The Olmsted Legacy in Essex County

April 23, 2020 - April 25, 2020

CELEBRATE the 125th anniversary of the Essex County Parks System, the nation's first county park system, and the importance of stewarding the parks for future generations.

EXPLORE the interdependence of the natural world and community values in Olmsted park planning.

UNDERSTAND the timeless need for open space and the influence of lessons from the past on future planning.


This three-day event kicks off with a welcome to Newark and orientation to the Essex County Park System by Liz Del Tufo and Aisha Glover. Thursday night attendees are invited to an opening reception with special lectures on Essex County Parks: "First in the Nation."

Friday and Saturday offer morning education sessions followed by optional afternoon site tours.

Keynote: "How Olmsted's Plan for the Essex County Park System Shaped the County's Growth and Livability for 125 Years" by Robert Yaro, Professor of Practice, University of Pennsylvania, Friday, April 24th at 9am.

See flyer below for full schedule and topics.

Follow up questions?
Contact: Jaime D'onofrio -

Co-sponsored by NAOP and the Essex County Park System celebrating its 125th anniversary, with assistance from the Branch Brook Park Alliance.